Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

06/25/23 Sunset Grill in Warsaw, KY

In March of 2022, we did a drive from Frankfort to the Sunset Grill Restaurant in Warsaw, KY.  It is a favorite stop for us and thought the club would enjoy lunch on the deck overlooking the Ohio River.  The drive was great, unfortunately, it was cold!  We ate inside and everyone seemed to enjoy the food.  When planning a drive for June, I thought that it would be warm and we could use the deck, so we started planning to revisit the Sunset Grill.

I re-did the route in Google Maps and saw that a key part of the route, KY-22 between US-421 and Gratz was closed for construction.  Since this is the only place to cross the Kentucky River without using four-lane highways, we plotted a detour to get around the construction.  

Mike Love and I started out on our test drive.  Everything went well until we got to the detour road and we realized it wouldn’t work.  It was one-lane and after about ¼ mile it was gravel.  So we turned around and followed Waze’s advice and went back to Bethlehem and took KY-753 E to KY-561 N then KY-389 W.  After a 7-mile drive we were back on KY-22 and the rest of the route was fine.

The week before the drive was rainy and the forecast for Saturday the 25th was rain in the morning and Thunderstorms that night.  It looked like we would have a window of good weather. Fingers Crossed! 

Saturday morning it was raining hard, but by noon it quit.  Twenty-Six BRPCA members in 16 Porsches met at Penney’s in Frankfort at 1:30. We left at 2:00, made it through the detour and took a rest break at Smitty’s Marathon station in Gratz. After the break we headed out and drove back roads to the Sunset Grill in Warsaw, KY, right on the Ohio River.  My Boxster is in the Body Shop so I was going to lead the drive in our 2013 Cayenne S. I discovered that in Sport Mode and Manual mode that it definitely was a Porsche! It handled great.

The food was good and the camaraderie was terrific!  Vicky McVay won the free meal drawing.  The only downside was there were Mayflies around, but they pretty much stayed off of the deck. When we finished eating and were leaving, it started sprinkling light rain. 

So we sandwiched our Driving Tour and Social between the morning rain and the evening storms, with a sunny, warm afternoon 

We welcomed three new members to the club and to driving tours:  Forrest Hirsh (who bears a striking resemblance to Will Power), Bill Lancaster and Daniel Leddy.   

We will have a Driving Tour the last weekend of July.  Look for details on Facebook and our webpage.

Article written by Larry Dukes

Author: bluegrasspca

Mike Love has been saying “Let’s do a drive to Eastern Kentucky/Virginia and stay overnight” for at least a year.  I liked […]