Our July 8 BGSCC was held at the usual location, Ramsey’s on Old Harrodsburg Pike. Remember our BGS C&Cs are held the second Saturday of each month. These very informal “brunches” are a great way to get to meet members and to “talk Porsches.” With eighteen Porsches and 22 attendees, it was a large gathering. In addition to the large center table, we needed to have two side tables to seat everyone. It was fun to see one of our newest members, Will Adams attend his first BGSCC and even bring his daughter Eloise! It’s good to know that one of Will’s favorite activities is doing drives! I think our Drive Chair, Larry Dukes will make room for the Adams on his driving events. Ken Hold discussed the upcoming Keeneland Concours event on Saturday, July 15. We had three members decide to volunteer to assist at the Concours. David Patrick shared his experiences at the Porsche Parade and invited folks to attend the upcoming social at his home. Information will be share on Eventbrite.
Article written by Ken Hold