Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

12/09/2023 BGS Cars & Coffee

There was a forecast of thunderstorms for Saturday December 9th.  While it was overcast and grey, the rain held off and we had a great turnout for the last Bluegrass Region Cars & Coffee of 2023!

Seventeen members and guests enjoyed breakfast and lively conversations about Christmas presents, Porsche Parade and the new 992 Targa 4S that Alec Van  Ryan drove to the event.  As always, everyone seemed to have a good time!

Ramsey’s on Harrodsburg Road provides a convenient venue, good service and a  tasty breakfast for our monthly get together at 10 AM on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  It’s a good way to show off your Porsche, admire your friend’s Porsche and just talk about Porsche (you get the idea).

Come kick off 2024 on January 8th and join the fun!

Article written by Larry Dukes

Author: bluegrasspca