Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

06/3/23 – First Sat Cars & Coffee

June 3 was a great day for our FSCC gathering.  The weather was super and 270 very neat vehicles attended at the Stockyards/Marketplace parking lot.  It was a great showing of several models of classics, exotics, and contemporary sports.  Of mention at this gathering were the three GT4RS Porsches and an interesting assortment of Trucks.  Truck attractions included the Diamond T Dualie, a beautifully restored 1946 Red Chevy rod, neat black Ford pickup rod, and an International pickup in unrestored condition.  You can check out these and other very fine vehicles by seeing the photos on facebook at  Our July gathering will be at our usual Stockyards location on July 1.  The August gathering will be held at Big Ass Fans on August 5.

Article written by Ken Hold

Author: bluegrasspca