Even the concours was not spared from rain on Saturday, July 15! There were two waves of storms that came through. The first wave required the evacuation of the show field due to Lightning. Despite the inclement weather, it was possible to get through the entire program and have an award ceremony for all the winners. You can see this year’s winners at https://keenelandconcours.com/winners-circle/. If you scroll down, you can view the winners on the awards ramp.
Despite Car Club Paddock attendance of 224 cars being down 60% compared to 2022, results from the clubs were great! The Paddock Challenge proved to be very exciting. This year the Sterling British Motoring Society put forth an all-out effort to defeat the Porsche Club for the second consecutive year in order to win the Paddock Challenge Trophy. Porsche came in second and Corvette came in third. The Paddock Plaque, awarded for marque with most dollars donated per car, was won by Asian Sports. This was the first time Asian Sports has won an award. Although there were only 13 Asian Sports cars, their donation of $1,500 resulted in $115.38/car. Again, Porsche came in second with $77.27/car and Corvette third at $61.96. Additional attractions in the Paddock included expanding the Military Area to host members from the Kentucky National Guard and an exhibit in the Corvette Area by folks from the NCM Motorsports Park. In addition to the Asian Sports winning the Paddock Plaque, the Children’s Choice Award was won by a 1992 Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M!
However, the biggest winner as always was the Kentucky Children’s Hospital. The 2023 revenue from the Paddock totaled $14,735. This was a great statement of support by the entire Lexington Car Community! Challenge donations and all proceeds from the concours as with all the concours activities go to the sole beneficiary, the Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Thanks to all who participated.
Article written by Ken Hold