Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

Event Documents


Please take time to read the documents as they will influence how our events will be held.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact one of our Board Members.


Please NOTE: You must be logged into PCA National website to access the National reports.

Event Roster (BGS PCA)

Combined Observers Report (National)

(Post Event Reports and Observer’s Reports  need to be done for events where we have requested insurance.  The forms are now combined.  This report should be completed and submitted within ten (10) days of the event.)

PCA Bluegrass Region Good Tour Practices (BGS PCA)

Driving Tour Minimum Standards 

Release Waiver Form (National)

Minor Release Waiver Form (National)

Incident Observer Reports: Driving/Non-Driving

PCA Publicity ReleasePCA Event Publicity Notice