Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

Additional Porsche Events


Mark your calendars for additional Porsche Events you may like to attend.



2018 Porsche Parade


Porsche Parade 2018: Lake of the Ozarks, will take place July 8-14, 2018, at the Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri.

Phase 2 Registration (Banquets/Events) opens for PCA members on Monday, April 02, 2018 at 12 Noon EDT

Porsche Parade, PCA’s annual week long event, takes place in a new place each year. For 2018, we’re heading to the midwest — the summer resort town of Osage Beach on the Lake of the Ozarks. In addition to traditional Parade activities such as concours, autocross, time-speed-distance and gimmick rallies, the location provides family friendly fun with watersports, boating, golf, an indoor waterpark, and more


2018 Red Brick Reunion

Registration is open now!  We usually have a drive to Oxford.
Saturday, Aug 11, 2018, Oxford, OH 45056, USA (map) This is the annual Porsche gathering on the brick streets in historic downtown Oxford Ohio. Each year over 300 Porsches make the trip to Oxford. You can pre-register online or just show up and register. Details on the website at Stay tuned for more information and a possible club sponsored drive to the show.