Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

Historian – Newsletters


The first Bluegrass Rumble was written November 2002.  Look how far we have come!  We started with a one page document and now we are a PCA National Award winning newsletter.  In 2011, 2012 2017 and 2020, the Rumble won First Place for regions with 100 to 200 members.  In 2010, 2013 2016, 2018 and 2021 the Rumble received Second Place in the PCA Newsletter competition.  In 2019 the Rumble received Third Place. Now that’s an AWARD WINNING NEWSLETTER!!!

Our newsletter is special.  This would not be possible without the newsletter editors over the years.  We send a special “Thank You” to each of our newsletter editors.

The first few years our newsletter was called the “Bluegrass Rumble” and was then shortened to “Rumble.”  As a piece of trivia, the original name that was proposed was “Burgoo” in honor of our Kentucky traditional stew, but this was changed before the first edition.  The name “Bluegrass Rumble” was chosen as it was a shout out to the Porsche owners in Central and Eastern Kentucky who came together and are now known as the Bluegrass Region PCA.

In April 2008, the board voted that starting May 2008 the Rumble will not be printed and mailed. It will only be distributed in digital format. All members had the option of having it automatically sent to their email address.  It was also available on the club’s website.

As you view the links below for the archive of our newsletters, you will notice that some our monthly newsletters are missing.  If you have any of the missing newsletters please contact the Bluegrass Region PCA Historian.  Thank You!

Bluegrass Region’s Rumbles 2019-2016

Bluegrass Region’s Rumbles 2015-2012

Bluegrass Region’s Rumbles 2011-2008

Bluegrass Region’s Rumbles 2007-2003

First Bluegrass Region Rumble - November 2002