Bluegrass Region Porsche Club
Bluegrass Region Porsche Club

Welcome Members

Please see the message below from our Membership Chair. Contact Ken Hold if you have any questions.

Welcome to the Bluegrass Region of the PCA!  Whether you’re a new first time Porsche owner, or a long time Porsche fan, we are excited to have you as part of our Club.  We have a great time and look forward to your participation. ​

I trust you’ll enjoy our region newsletter “The Rumble.”  You can receive the Rumble two ways….by viewing it on our website or as an emailed link to the file.  Each month you will receive an email from our President telling you that the newest Rumble is ready for download and the link to access that issue.​ ​

We have several other different ways to distribute communications in the club.  What’s going on in the club? How do I change my oil? Who are the officers and how do I contact them? Where should I take my car for maintenance?  Where can I see photos of the last event?  What does it take to get my Porsche on the track? I wonder if anyone in our club has a Bosch Hammer I can borrow?  All of those questions can be answered in one or more club communication channels below:​ ​


Our recently redesigned website is located at while there you will be able to view the club’s calendar, contact club officials, surf classifieds, check out recent events in our photo section, read the latest Rumble, view all track articles, and more. The site is easily navigated on everything from a desktop computer, to a mobile phone or tablet.​ ​

Google Group

The club uses a closed google group for member questions and conversations. The group name is BluegrassPCA. You must be invited to join the group. I encourage you to join. If interested please request an invitation from Ed Steverson.  This is a great place to ask any type of club or Porsche question to fellow Bluegrass members. ​ ​


Search for Bluegrass Region PCA and like us to follow our events and news.  One of our Board Members, Larry Dukes does a fine job overseeing our Social Media accounts. 


Find us on Instagram under bluegrassregionpca.  Instagram photos feed the latest photos section of the new website . Often photos get posted while the event is still underway.

Name Badge

If you would like to order a name badge, please email me back with the exact way you would like your name to appear on your badge and I will have one made for you. You can also have one made for your significant other as well. I will mail the badge(s) out to you once they come in.​

We generally have a Membership meeting third Sunday of the month….at the membership meetings we gather at a restaurant, enjoy each other’s cars, company, food & drink @ 5:30 pm.  Another reoccurring event is “Porsche Cars & Coffee” which is the second Saturday of the month @ 9:00 am, again enjoying each other’s cars, company, coffee & breakfast.  

Our club board meetings, which are open to all members, are generally the first Monday of each month at 5:30 pm.  As of late we have been moving the locations of the meetings around, so if you are interested in attending let Ken Hold or myself know and we’ll give you the details, or better yet, check out our website.  Our region website,  is a good source of info on past events, upcoming events, times and locations.​

We like to offer events to please members of all interests, and I think we have a good mix of activities.  If there’s an event or outing you think we should consider please suggest it.  Any club is only as good as its members, and we can always use new ideas and fresh enthusiasm.  ​

I look forward to meeting you at an event soon.  Feel free to contact me or our president, Ken Hold  if we can assist you in any way.  Again, WELCOME!!!​


 David Boyd,  BGPCA​ Membership Chair​