Look what we have been up to so far this year!!!! Come join us! We have a lot of fun sharing great cars and friendship. We like to offer events to please members of all interests, and we have a good mix of activities.
If there’s an event or outing you think we should consider please suggest it. Any club is only as good as its members, and we can always use new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. We are always looking for folks to host an event.
Lex KY Multi-Marque Cars and Coffee – held the first Saturday of the month
Porsche Cars and Coffee – held the second Saturday of the month
Monthly Social – held the third Sunday of the month

Oct 1, 2016
Photo by Joseph Rey Au
Spring is here!!! Are you looking for something to do “outside”? Join us on a scenic drive to Natural Bridge and Lunch at Miguel’s Pizza on Sat, April 29.
KY Region PCA Natural Bridge Scenic Drive
Tech Sessions
Special Events
2017 Holiday Party, Jan 21st
62nd Porsche Parade on July 9-15, 2017 – Registration Opens February 21st
Join your fellow Porsche Club of America members at the 62nd Porsche Parade on July 9-15, 2017. Parade is PCA’s annual, weeklong event enjoyed by several thousand of your fellow members, who will gather this year in Spokane, Washington.
Parade is PCA’s annual, week long event when thousands of members descend upon a new location every year to explore in their Porsches — often in Parade-organized driving tours — in addition to other events such as autocross, concours, time-speed-distance and gimmick rallies, banquets, regional-specific activities, and more. Bring the kids, too, as they’ll be kept busy with activities including model Porsche concours, RC car racing, and ice-cream socials (well, adults can join in the ice-cream, too).